Mayor Ahmet Aras Made an Evaluation of the First 100 Days!
Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ahmet Aras talked about the first 100 days after the 31 March local elections at Menteşe Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Cultural Center. He talked about the projects he implemented. In his speech in which he explained their work on the World City Muğla Project, Aras said that they will revise the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as Muğla's Sustainable Development Goals and stated that they have prepared a comprehensive support package for retirees struggling with economic problems.
Speaking at the 100-day project introductory meeting attended by Provincial and District Mayors, District Mayors and Department Heads, Mayor Arab said, “The energy we receive from you, mayors, motivates us the most. Before the elections, we set out with the vision of 'World City Muğla'. Now we have moved to a new phase. The first 100 days are actually a very short period of time. But we had planned what we were going to do. "I think we have accumulated enough services to meet you," he said.
Aras said, "The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have become an umbrella for us. We will revise this target as Muğla's Sustainable Development Goals. "We will set sustainable goals on many issues, from education to gender equality, from climate to life under water," he said. He used the expressions. “First of all, we established the Department of Women and Family Services. We attach great importance to this presidency. We signed the attitude document against violence. In addition, we established District Services Regional Departments. I can't decide everything. Muğla cannot be governed from a single place. Naturally, we should not do what the current government is doing. The principle of decentralization is very important. The distances between our districts are long. The regional services we will establish there will be very compatible with the principle of decentralization. The friends we will appoint will pay close attention to the districts. We established Denizcilik A.Ş. He will manage the ports. Experts will work with whom new doors will be opened for us. We established a press unit at MUSKI. It was very important for MUSKI's communication. We established the Department of Foreign Relations. Appointments were made. We created the team. We contacted 100 countries. We started diplomacy. We established the Smart City Department. Our structuring continues here too. We established Muğla Planning Agency. It will collect and process data about the entire city. He will discuss this with NGOs. They will come to me and say that citizens have more demand in this regard, and we will make our investment plan accordingly. We signed a protocol with the university. They said that the university and the city were disconnected. We took steps immediately. NGO Branch Directorate was established.
“We wrote a letter to the Mayors of 100 world cities”
We established the Tourism Research and Strategy Development Platform. We will work to support our tourism professionals with this platform. We are working on the Tourism Master Plan. We took over the Presidency of the Coastal Aegean Municipalities Union. I was elected president of the union. As Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, we currently represent 108 municipalities in the Aegean. We wrote letters to the mayors of 100 world cities and international organizations to take Muğla one step further. We develop international cooperation and introduce our Muğla to the whole world. We held a referendum in the region regarding the market built in the Menteşe Evleri area. Our citizens wanted a gym to be built. It is currently being organized as a gym. We will continue these participatory approaches. We attach importance to the demands of our people”
“Funeral transport services by air and road are free of charge”
Our work continues in the service buildings of our headmen. Our day care center with a capacity of 40 children at Hasan Haşmet Işık Social Facilities in Yatağan will be put into service in September. We cannot build buildings right now due to economic measures. We will open study centers in Seydikemer and Menteşe. We provided free transportation to our young people taking the exam. We started the HPV Vaccine application. We provide on-site care for our dear friends with our mobile clinic vehicle. We will open Datça District Polyclinic soon. We can now write prescriptions for home care services. Funeral transportation services by air and road were free of charge. After complaints about flies, we are purchasing 61 new vehicles to combat vectors.
We carried out 62 thousand 412 meters of renovation and manufacturing in 141 neighborhoods. Our MUSKI teams have accelerated their work on water and sewerage. In order to become Muğla the World City, we need to solve this issue first. Drinking water tanks that have completed their service life throughout Muğla are being renewed. We started renovation work in 100 warehouses. Mumcular Dam cannot provide water to Bodrum. For this, we will apply different points. We are opening new wells. We started working on desalination from the sea. We drilled at 6 locations. Desalination from the sea is essential for Bodrum. We increased Bodrum's water amount by 18.43 percent in 100 days. This created an improvement of approximately 100 thousand people.
“We are preparing a comprehensive support package for retirees”
“We continue to deliver water to Bozburun. The water has now reached Turunç. Bozburun Peninsula will have water. We will build two women's shelters, one in Milas and one in Ula. We increased public card support by 110 percent. We are preparing a comprehensive support package for retirees. Our retirees who have served their state and nation for years are given a salary of 10 thousand lira. This is a very sad situation. We will share a comprehensive support package with our retirees soon. We increased the number of barrier-free beaches. Muğla Card Works have started and will end soon. We make a significant financial contribution for every fire. We will stand by our citizens in difficult times. We are expanding the Short Break Service. One of them will be in Yatağan Yeşilbağcılar. There will also be one in Bodrum Turgutreis. We work very well with our district mayors. We established employment offices in Bodrum, Fethiye, Marmaris and Menteşe. These offices will support our citizens looking for work. We opened agricultural markets in 4 districts. We started to provide agricultural machinery decks. We will establish a tomato paste production facility in Fethiye. We will open a facility to produce live animal feed in Muğla. Since feed prices cover 85 percent of the cost of an animal, we will start producing feed. We cleaned and repaired 47 thousand meters of canals. We will map the noise caused by industry, transportation and entertainment in 300 points of the city. We will make plans according to this report. We completed the Menteşe Denizova Solar Power Plant. It went into operation. 10 percent savings were achieved in MUSKI's electricity costs”
“We carried out 36 thousand 600 meters of road construction work in 100 days”
“Our struggle with the environment continues. Muğla is wounded, its coasts are occupied, its mountains are opened to mining. We will continue our legal and operational defense. We carried out 36 thousand 600 meters of road construction work in 100 days. We completed the road on the Menteşe Dirgeme road. We also completed the work on Mumcular Menderes Boulevard. We also completed the Yalıkavak Road and opened it to traffic. Our 1/25000 plans were canceled by the court. We will do this again. Our Planning Department listens to the requests regarding zoning and we meet with our district municipalities. We will be very transparent about this. The whole public will be informed about this matter. We carry out building risk analyzes throughout Muğla. We started the construction of our new fire station in Bodrum. We are purchasing 15 new vehicles for the fire department. The construction of a cultural center continues in Milas. We will also build cultural centers in our other districts. We started maintenance and repair work at Muğlaspor's facilities. We supported amateur clubs with 6.5 million lira in three months. We contribute to the construction of Bodrumspor's stadium”
“We made student transportation 1 lira, sea bus services started”
“Before being elected president, he always hitchhiked in Menteşe. I saw students suffering. "We wanted to work on this issue. We made transportation cost 1 lira for students. I no longer see the hitchhiking young people I used to see. We will develop this further. We will do more projects for our students. We gave a 26 percent discount to teachers between the ages of 60-65. The municipality started to operate on-road parking lots. We abolished the gradual taxi meter tariff, increased the income support for private public transportation vehicles and started working on the bus terminal in Seydikemer. "The Fethiye-Marmaris sea bus service has started. We have not started the sea bus service between Datça and Marmaris yet. Tourists coming to Marmaris should go to Fethiye by sea. They may not want to go by land," he said. class="image">